Cooperative Innovation: Danish professors visited the UNLu

Feb 25th, 2016 – Professors Janni Nielsen and Britta Thomsen, of the Business School of Copenhagen (CBS), visited the Universidad Nacional de Luján (UNLu) where they worked on the generation of a network of knowledge about nanotechnology in connection to the concept of cooperative innovation.

The visit took shape under the Programa de Estudios Avanzados sobre Gestión de la Innovación y el Conocimiento (GENERAR), a programme of the Department of Social Sciences. Among other activities, Nielsen and Thomsen participated in a video conference on this subject with members of the Centro de Investigación, Docencia y Extensión en Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (CIDETIC) and the GENERAR programme.

On Wednesday, the academic visited the Municipality of Luján, where they met with the acting mayor, Hector Artero, and Councils Nicolás Quarenta and Carlos Pedro Perez. Academics and officials advanced the idea of “smart cities”.

“We believe we can transfer the experience of Copenhagen, a pioneer on this issue which is very important for mobility, public health and other issues” explained Thomsen at the meeting with municipal authorities.

Prof. Janni Nielsen

Prof. Janni Nielsen

Prof. Britta Thomsen

Prof. Britta Thomsen

UNLu and CBS partners at the Museo de Bellas Artes "Fernán Félix de Amador", Luján

UNLu and CBS partners at the Museo de Bellas Artes “Fernán Félix de Amador”, Luján

UNLu and CBS partners during a visit to the municipality of Lujan

UNLu and CBS partners during a visit to the municipality of Lujan

CBS partners with municipal authorities of the district of Luján

CBS partners with municipal authorities of the district of Luján
