WP2 – Applications of MACs

Objectives. To enhance relational growth, boost the processes of idea generation and conceptualization and shorten the road to innovative solutions which result in product innovation for practical solutions on the application of MACs to the environmental, health and aeronautics sectors.

Description of work. The new and emerging family of MACs utilise highly refined materials and new forming techniques. These “new” or “advanced” ceramics, when used as an engineering material, posses several properties/applications which can be viewed as superior to metal-based systems. These properties place this new group of ceramics in a most attractive position, not only in the area of performance but also cost effectiveness. To properly exploit these characteristics the WP2 involve the following tasks:

TASK 2.1: Applications of the advanced ceramic and nano-ceramics materials in Developed and/or Emergent Countries (BRAU and Chile) (INTEMA, ICMAB-CSIC, ADRAM, SENAI) based on the
recopilation of indicators such as, main scientific and technological sectors and sub-sectors, number of groups working in MACs at LA (possible mapping), number of high level publications between 2010 and 2015 (grouping by subsectors), number and sectors of EU-LA joint publications in ceramic sector/sub-sectors, total number of networks in this sector (existing at M 42), total number of projects financed by FP7 and FP8 (at M42), business evolution between 2012 and 2015, joint ventures EU-(AR-BR-CL).Such recompilation will be performed in the following differentiated sectors as subtasks.

  • Sub-task 2.1.1: Medicine and Health (ICMAB-CSIC KTH): Focused on the need for ever smaller yet more complex components, processing techniques, including injection moulding, engineered coatings and ceramic-metal assemblies and evolution of implantable electronic devices.
  • Sub-task 2.1.2: Environment (CBS, ADRAM): Focused on ceramic filters and membranes used to remove pollutants from aqueous waste streams in water treatment facilities and remove particulate contaminants from gaseous emissions, as in diesel engines and fossil-fueled electric power plants. Manufacture of MACs using minerals that tend to be radiologically and chemically inert, thus reducing the prospect of waste disposal problems. Emerging applications in wind turbines and photovoltaic modules.
  • Sub-task 2.1.3: Aeronautics and others sectors (ICMAB-CSIC): Focused on new reliable and robust materials, and meet the needs of highly specialized applications, such as Alumina, Silicon Nitride and Aluminum Nitride currently being used to manufacture critical aerospace components, because several advantageous physical properties (retain dimensional stability through a range of high temperatures and exhibit very high mechanical strength, excellent chemical resistance and stiffness-to-weight ratio).

TASK 2.2: Develop and qualify methods and techniques in co-creating innovation (CBS, UNLu, ADRAM) based on local and regional community building to identify the eight interrelated actors: (1) The PentaHelix Model; (2) Knowledge Based Communities of Practice; (3) Value Network Analysis for Innovation Potentials; (4) Generative Themes in Transformative Learning, (5) Social Learning and Narratives as Knowledge Enabling; (6) Knowledge and Fitness Landscapes; (7) ICT for Design, Innovation and Entrepreneurship; (8) Strategy as Guiding Principles for Action. Such methods and techniques will be applied on the context of EU-LA countries concerning the potential of the identified sectors.

TASK 2.3: Road map from idea generation and conceptualization to development (CERCAL, UNLu, CBS, ADRAM, SENAI) of more effective MACs, through the exchange of knowledge, capital and labor on a cross-disciplinary, cross-institutional and cross-cultural in co-operation between Companies, Citizens, Humanities, Natural sciences, NGO’s, Public Institutions and Social sciences. Use and evaluation of the PentaHelix Model based methodology.