WP5 – Dissemination Activities

Objectives. EULA-NETCERMAT will emphasize activities concerning spreading excellence, exploiting results and dissemination knowledge in order to increase the visibility and effiency of the NET at regional, national and international level. To reach the significant numbers of stakeholders. Exploitation and dissemination activities will start in the first phase of the project (M12) and will run parallel to the other activities. ERA and FP7 and FP8 presents all the major activities dedicated to the enhancement of the visibility of EULA-NETCERMAT. Additionally, the performance of other WPs will contribute to the success of the promotion and dissemination strategy.

Description of work

TASK 5.1: Dissemination activities at international level (All partners) (especially within ERA), the strongest expected impact due to twining activities (exchanges, visits, training courses, seminars etc.) in order to expand Europe knowledge and expertise in AR-BR and CL and get informations and knowledge from these countries. These activities will provide the opportunity for dissemination of professional knowledge (academic and technical) among top related researchers and high level technicians in charge of research or in management of proposals at national or international level (FP7 and FP8). Moreover, participation of partners in international conferences and meetings of the related ongoing projects (EULASUR etc.) will provide an opportunity to promote the deliverables and general results conducted by the NET. Project Website and published promotional materials will also serve as a tool for informing the scientific and non-scientific audience about the project development and disseminating project’s results. Other important point is the promotion of the cooperation between EU-27 and LA in science and technology, the representative of the EU Parliament (Prof Brita Thomsen) in the Advisory Board can help in this issue.

  • Sub-Task 5.1.1: Creation of a network (ICMAB-CSIC) between higher education institutions (EU/LA) around the identified opportunities during the project and including new partners through the identification of other EU and LA partners (from academia and/or industry). (M36-46)
  • Sub-Task 5.1.2: Identification of opportunities (UAB, ICMAB-CSIC) Under FP8 programmes, ALFA etc. and/or bilateral relationships (M18-48)
  • Sub-Task 5.1.3: Training on formulation and evaluation of proposals under FP8 by EU professional technicians (UAB and ICMAB-CSIC) to LA consortium staff (M18-30). The proposed training in some EU centres, like UAB, ICMAB-CSIC or CERCAL, will be done at three different levels: 1) Quality-Management-Impact of proposals 2) Evaluation process by external experts and 3) Negotiation process. Impacts on ERA or FP8 participation will be critical points in steps 1 and 2, the significance of ERA and the calls and opportunities of FP8, or others calls will be introduced in the training course.

TASK 5.2: Dissemination activities at regional and national level, (All partners) Planned at national (AR, BR, CL, E, BE, DK and SW) and regional level (LA Regions/States or EU regions) promotional and dissemination activities are dedicated to several stakeholders (other research units, universities, general public, industrial partners as well as authorities responsible for development national/regional strategies and setting policies related to research specific areas covered by the project). The promotional activities will focus on the following issues: organization of seminars and workshops, training courses, launching and maintaining the website, participation in scientific events (conferences and/or courses) not included in the proposal, participation in scientific events for the civil society, preparation of diffusion materials on paper or by internet etc. Organization of scientific seminars and workshops will mainly contribute to the dissemination of the NET and new trends in MACs among other researchers from the region (LA and/or EU). Launching and maintenance of the Website will provide necessary information on the progress of the project as well as research conducted by theconsortium. The promotion of the research activities and achievements will be performed by the consortium Website due to the blogs coordinated by researchers involved in the project. An innovative solution developed for the purpose of the spreading excellence and disseminating knowledge in MACs is a mobile exhibition (as a Pilot study in one LA country, for example BR-Santa Catarina-SENAI) consisting in the preparation of educational sets of presentation tools, samples (on MACs and its applications); the exhibition will be presented during some selected events (open days or similar) dedicated to various target groups: students, civil society, local authorities etc. Moreover, popular science publications (e.g. Educational Journals, Science Diffusion etc.) addressed to various groups of the non-scientific or scientific environment are one of the points of the promotion strategy. Additionally, a special care will be taken to inform the regional and national media (mainly in the LA countries) about all events organized within the project (newspapers, local-TV). Media coverage of events will provide a chance to disseminate, by other way, the diffusion of activities at national scale.

  • Sub-Task 5.2.1: Creation and maintenance of Website, (UAB, ICMAB-CSIC, UNLu, ADRAM) including all the promotional material (posters/banners, leaflets/brochuresmultimedia tools and activities (mobile exhibition) in EN/PT/ES) to attend the objectives of the proposal and development of exchanges. Support of collaborative and orientation tasks between the partners and the local communities.(M6-48)
  • Sub-Task 5.2.2: Creation of a @Learning platform (UNLu) in order to carry out the on-line training courses, based on different education/training-modules and seminars addressed to high level students (University) and short courses in schools or social centres addressed to the local populations about MACs (M10-46). UNLu has long expertise in @Learning-platform (for instance with Trainmonher project)
  • Sub-Task 5.2.3: Training courses in Argentina, Brazil and Chile during one week, the focus will be: “New techniques for identification and characterization of advanced/nano-ceramics” (AR), “New lines of synthesis in nanoceramics with focus on: Relationships between University and Industry on advanced/nano-ceramics” (BR) and “From raw materials to final products” (CL), after each training course (3-4 days) a workshop will be developed in the same/related topic of the programmed course, during one or two extra days, open to students and researchers (M22, 30 and 38). Training course: 3-4 full days and workshop 1-2 days (from Monday to Friday). Some proposed workshops include topics such as Academia-Industry relationships, future market in LA, definition of a Roadmap in MACs for LA, needs in MACs.
  • Sub-Task 5.2.4: Open days and short courses (LA partners) oriented to local society (AR, BR and CL) for the presentation of the project objectives, potentialities in RTD and results (M36-44, half day)
  • Sub-Task 5.2.5: Press conferences (LA partners) in newspaper, local TVs, local radios etc. (M12-48).