Visit of Prof Silvia Martinelli to ICMAB

Professor Silvia Martinelli from Universidad Nacional de Luján (UNLu) visited the Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB) where she interviewed several partners about their research subjects. Brief snippets are available at the Media page.

Prof. Silvia Martinelli and Dra. Judith Oró Solé at ICMAB Lab

Prof. Silvia Martinelli and Dra. Judith Oró Solé at ICMAB Lab

Prof. Silvia Martinelli and Dra. Anna Crespi

Prof. Silvia Martinelli and Dra. Anna Crespi

Dr. Carles Miravitlles and Dra. Anna Crespi at the ICMAB Lab

Dr. Carles Miravitlles and Dra. Anna Crespi at the ICMAB Lab